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YourSalesSuccess, Issue #047 – How will you make 2008
January 17, 2008

YourSalesSuccess e-Zine # 047 – How will you make 2008 your best year yet?

- a monthly newsletter series on sales.

If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter ( and you have not already done so ) please go to the subscription page by clicking! here.

When you subscribe you'll receive a FREE SALES eBOOK on how to make 2008 your best sales year ever.

( You'll need Acrobat Reader to read this report )

If you are an existing subscriber to this newsletter and want a copy of the book all you'll need to do is go to the Free Book page on my website and insert your details and the book will be emailed to you. You can order by clicking here.

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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Benjamin Franklin

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Well the New Year has already started.

How well did your sales go in 2007?
And, more importantly, how are you going to do better in 2008?

The quote above says it all really, doesn't it?

Do the same things and you are going to get the same results.

So, you need to do something different, but what?

To do better as a salesperson you need to make more sales preferably in less time or at least in the same time. I mean what's the point of doubling your sales if you double or triple your work hours? You'll have money but you won't have a life.

Let's look at what stops you from making more sales.

  • Not seeing enough people by being disorganised and wasting time.
  • Not seeing enough people because you don't know how to make appointments.
  • Not getting enough people to return your voicemail message.
  • Not selling to the right person.
  • Not being prepared when you walk into a call.
  • Not being confident during a sales call.
  • Not getting the prospect to open up and talk to you during the sales call.
  • Not being convinced you have a good product or service to offer.
  • Not listening when prospects do talk.
  • Not asking the right questions to hear what you need to know.
  • Not uncovering your prospect's wants and dominant buying motive.
  • Not speaking your client's language, so they REALLY understand your offer.
  • Not using language effectively.
  • Not overcoming your prospect's objections.
  • Not asking for the order.
  • Not following up.

Now of those 16 "Nots" I've probably written about 10 of them in previous issues of YourSalesSuccess. So, if any of the above "Nots" are barriers to your success I suggest you go to the Free Articles page on my website and rummage through the titles to find the information relevant to you.

More simply you will make sales if you meet with enough people who are a fit for your product (e.g. Eskimos don't need ice cubes) and overcome their objections as you close the deal.

Sounds easy when you put it like that.

What if I told you I could show you a method to overcoming just about every objection a prospect could raise?
A method that could become automatic just like walking or riding a bike.

  • How much more money would you create with that skill?
  • How many more sales would you make?
  • How much time would you save?
  • How much would your lifestyle improve?

Just Suppose While You Sleep Tonight A Miracle Occurs
I mean, close your eyes and really imagine waking up after a night's sleep.
When you wake you've magically been given the ability to have an answer for any sales objection a prospect could raise.
If you knew that you could handle ANY sales objection how different would your day be?

Imagine your first call of the day.
Presentation going well, then the prospect raises an objection. No sweat. A response is coming out of your mouth before you even realise it's happening. A couple of these responses to and fro between you and your prospect and then you've got your first order for the day.

Feeling high from your victory you travel to your next prospect and again you get a positive result. This goes on all day long. You find yourself smiling all the time. In fact, as your prospects raise objections you find it hard not to laugh. Gone is the stress and fear you used to have and in their place is a deep-seated confidence that you can persuade any prospect you speak to. It's never been this easy!

Can you picture that?
Is that the way you'd like your sales day to go?
Feel good, wouldn't it?
How much do you want to know more about it?

Looking forward to a great 2008.
Here's to YourSalesSuccess.

If you are interested in learning more about selling, please feel free to contact me via the coaching page on my website

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If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter please go to the subscription page on my website by clicking here.

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- Free eBook -

Why not employ the tactics and skills in this FREE SALES eBOOK and make 2008 your best year ever ?

To receive this free ebook all you need to do is subscribe to this eZine.

( You?ll need Acrobat Reader to read this report )

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My name is Greg Woodley. I have been a successful salesman for 23 years and would like to help other people achieve a successful sales life.

After retiring from full time work I decided to devote my time to helping other sales people achieve their desires.

So, I have been studying coaching and training techniques to ensure I can help you attain YourSalesSuccess.

If you want to discuss a coaching relationship please contact me via the following link and we can arrange a free complimentary session or perhaps you would like to check out some of my thoughts at my website.

Regards Greg

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