Persuasion Techniques and Selling techniques that
can change your life

How are your current selling and persuasion techniques working out ?

Making all the sales you’d like ?

Talking to enough prospects ?
And when you do are they interested and attentive ?

It’s tough out there.

But then it happens. You finally get a coveted meeting with a prospect, only to have their eyes glaze over just when it’s getting to the good part.

Or worse, they’re standoffish, derailing the whole pitch.

And don’t get me started about how upsidedown everything is since the pandemic.

Discover a Better Way to Make Sales

What if there was a way to have a more positive impact, make more sales, make more money, have more fun while doing it, and actually have more time to enjoy the lifestyle possible with that extra income?

It is possible. I know because I did it.

Which salesperson would you rather be in the graph below, Person A or Person B ?


Read the story of Sarah and Tom. One of them discovered a better way and learned to understand their prospects on a deeper level, to communicate more effectively, and to handle objections with ease. You'll have to read their story to find out who was the most successful.

One of them knew things that the other person didn't.
And, not only did they know those things, they actually applied them.

Are you using those things ?
Do you even know what those things are ?

The story starts like this ...
"Once upon a time, in a buzzing world of commerce, two seasoned salespeople, Tom and Sarah, plied their trade, but their philosophies were galaxies apart. ..."

Are you more like Sarah or Tom ?

Overcome Your Sales Roadblocks

Do any of these things happen to you ?

  • Struggle to get people to talk to you
  • Sit in front of a disinterested prospect
  • Deal with people who just can't understand the value of your offer
  • Spend too much time at work and too little doing what you want - time with friends or family or hobbies
  • Have prospects you just can't seem to get along with 
  • Have difficulty making that first call in the morning
  • Run into objections that derail your selling process
  • Get criticised by your sales manager 
  • Have difficulty picking up the phone to make that next call

This doesn't have to be you.

Look, in the dynamic and often challenging realm of sales, the hurdles of rejection, negative feedback, and the constant demand for results can take a toll on even the most seasoned professionals.

But what if the key to not just surviving, but thriving was only a story away ... the story of Tom and Sarah.

One of them made a profitable enjoyable career of sales the other did not ... which are you ?

How Do These Roadblocks Make You Feel ?

And I know sometimes you might feel:

  • Demotivated
  • Frustrated
  • Anxious
  • Tired
  • Confused
  • Rejected
  • Hesitant 
  • Isolated

I experienced many of these struggles and feelings myself during my 23 years of B2B selling, especially in the early days.

Who was it that got over these feelings, was it Sarah or Tom ?

Work Harder and Longer Hours ?


Your managers or colleagues will try to tell you to work harder.

As if you’re not already working hard.

Traditional and often outdated sales advice will offer solutions like..
“turn more, earn more”.
(in other words talk to more people)
The problem with that is your income is limited by the work hours in a day.
You could end up stuck in a cycle of spending more and more time working, to the point where there is no time left for a life.

Really, do you think the difference between Person A and Person B's results are working longer hours ?

Assuming these two sell the same product from the same company, and they both lean on the same marketing and lead generation provided by the company, how do THEY make a difference?

So, basically, their main contribution is the sales conversation.

I see results like the above all the time in companies, and it’s not unusual to see some salespeople almost double the sales of others. 

What makes the difference?

For one thing, the more successful salesperson makes their prospect feel MUCH safer than an unsuccessful one.

But you can learn more by reading ...

The Story of Sarah and Tom