Closing skill

by Krunal Rao
(Ahmedabad, Gujarat , India)

Closing a sale better is what I would like more information about. Can you send me information on closing a sale.

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Aug 14, 2019

by: Greg

Hi Krunal,

elsewhere on this page, I have written about the fact that it's not really about "closing" but more about how you "open" a sales call.

However, since people keep asking about closing I'm going to give you a little known and very effective strategy to help you close a sale.

This is really more of a communication strategy to make sure your message is well received by your prospect.

People can be thought of as having two behavioural tendencies. Some people like to follow procedures. Some people like to keep their options open and hate following procedures.

If you want better results closing people you need to honour this tendency of theirs.

So, if someone follows procedures put them into a procedure and they'll follow it through to the end i.e. buying from you. Because they like following procedures.

If someone likes to keep their options open you need to make sure you offer them a number of options and explain how accepting any of your offers keeps their options open.

How do you know what trait your person has?

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