Effectively research a sales lead

I am in the two way radio industry
Some of the company websites do not give the information I require to see a fit

Just like some gatekeepers that are really not helping.
How does one research effectively before a visit!


My selling days date back over 30 years. The Internet didn't really exist in my early days.

The way you got your information was from industry gurus and by calling the company concerned and talking to receptionists etc. I would sometimes call their customers as well (if I knew them) to find out more about the company I wanted to sell to.

Sometimes I think we get too wrapped up in modern technology ?

Hope this helps, Greg

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Jul 10, 2010
I agree
by: Ben London

My sales career began pounding the pavement selling roof restorations for commission, there were no leads or background checks there.

I think that's why I'm still a little 'old fashioned' when it comes to finding leads and cold calling stores.

While I highly value what the internet offers in terms of transperancy, it doesn't have a 'pulse' like you find at store level by visiting or phoning to better prepare for a sales presentation, so for me it's a combination of research and experience.


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