Follow up after rapport

by Michelle
(Westlake Village, CA)

I'm so good at meeting people, making small talk, building rapport and 'shmoozing'. What is something that you can do to follow through/follow up to make all those casual social contacts prospects?

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Aug 09, 2019

by: Greg

Hi Michelle,

you mention that you are good at building rapport and 'shmoozing'.
And you want to know something you can do to follow up after making a connection?

I am going to make a guess that you swap business cards with these people. Maybe it's a better idea if you can find something they are interested in learning about, then offer to send them an article you ran across (or that you wrote) that discusses that topic. Then get them to give you their business card after they write the topic they are interested in on the back of the card.

That way you have established a reason to follow up.

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