Getting the Decision Maker

How do I get the decision maker to sit down with me so I can show him how beneficial my product is?


Getting to the decision maker depends on having something of value to offer. It also depends on getting other people in the company to get you to talk to the decision maker.

Many people call this getting through the gatekeeper. Personally, I do not believe in this. I believe whoever answers the phone is my customer and I treat them accordingly. My aim is to sell a value proposition to them so that they will pass me up the tree to a decision maker.

The other thing that I have harped on about for a long time now is to make sure what you are offering, the benefits you are talking about, is something YOU KNOW is of value to your prospect.

SPIN Selling refers to this as offering a benefit for an Explicit Need the customer has. The idea being you don't offer all your benefits with a scattergun type approach. You hone in on the specific need your prospect has and build up the importance of that need and thus the value of your solution.

Hope this helps, Greg

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May 26, 2010
mediocrity personified
by: Ian Frances

Hello Greg, my name is Ian Frances and I sell window furnishings. I sell lots of
them because I have learnt 2 simple things from walking up driveways 5 times a day 5 days a week for 25 years. 1. The need to close is important
, but, the need to qualify is vital. My wife, my toughest and most cynical critic has finally realised that the price for me leaving her with the kids, meals ,dishes ,baths, and homework, 3 nights a week, and the odd Saturday morning, (and it's bloody hard to sometimes explain to Kane that I won't be there to see him throw 3 X 3 pointers in his U/12 A basketball game, at least, during the home and away season), the price Greg is twice what her friends husband/s earn for half the time doing it! Tacky, but true. That Greg, and 2.. I know exactly what to say, and, how to say it, when I hear the ubiquitious words , "thats great Ian but we'd like to think about it" a.k.a get up and leave.

I have met Wayne Berry and sipped cappuccino with Chris Koch from The International Sales Institute, and I am currently writing, (for myself only , probably) an article tentatively titled, "Selling to Affluent First Generation Migrants", but my wife, (damn it there's that woman again, can't shoot her, can't live without her)), and my friends, (of course I have to buy them), just think to themselves "Ians off again". But, you know what Greg? I just don't care anymore

Furnishings Industry are mediocre at best and probably depressed and misstreated financially at worst, but, you can live on your knees or die on your feet, amd my house mortgage and school fees are just as bloody big as the next blokes.

Anyway I,ve had my five minutes on my soap box, and I'm enjoying my free, (now there's a fatalistic word, as in "obligation free measure quote", if you see the person who coined that term Greg, shoot the bastard for me will you!), and with the money and copy of 'Tin Men', and 'Glengarry Glen Ross' that I give you we can maybe catch up for a beer down in Black Rock, (great name for a suburb, ordinary local footy team though),Karma, Greg, as Earl says is a mysterious and wonderous thing, kind of like the sense and feeling of deja vu, RACISM, is the submit term at the bottom of little diatribe, and thats sometimes what Hilda, (as in Rumpoles wife, as in "she who must be obeyed") says my proposed book is all about. But it's not, it's just what happens most nights at 6.59 pm when Today Tonight, and, A Current Affair, have educated the prolateriat about us dodgy used car vacumn washing machine carpet and blind salesmen are, but then at least I've got their 16 digit credit card number, and it's not a bloody bad substitute for not having their respect for what I and you do for a living, makes the two 'travellers' go down easier. .

Cheers Ian 0423 285 510

May 26, 2010
mediocrity personified
by: Ian Frances

Hello Greg, my name is Ian Frances and I sell window furnishings. I sell lots of
them because I have learnt 2 simple things from walking up driveways 5 times a day 5 days a week for 25 years. 1. The need to close is important
, but, the need to qualify is vital. My wife, my toughest and most cynical critic has finally realised that the price for me leaving her with the kids, meals ,dishes ,baths, and homework, 3 nights a week, and the odd Saturday morning, (and it's bloody hard to sometimes explain to Kane that I won't be there to see him throw 3 X 3 pointers in his U/12 A basketball game, at least, during the home and away season), the price Greg is twice what her friends husband/s earn for half the time doing it! Tacky, but true. That Greg, and 2.. I know exactly what to say, and, how to say it, when I hear the ubiquitious words , "thats great Ian but we'd like to think about it" a.k.a get up and leave.

I have met Wayne Berry and sipped cappuccino with Chris Koch from The International Sales Institute, and I am currently writing, (for myself only , probably) an article tentatively titled, "Selling to Affluent First Generation Migrants", but my wife, (damn it there's that woman again, can't shoot her, can't live without her)), and my friends, (of course I have to buy them), just think to themselves "Ians off again". But, you know what Greg? I just don't care anymore

Furnishings Industry are mediocre at best and probably depressed and misstreated financially at worst, but, you can live on your knees or die on your feet, amd my house mortgage and school fees are just as bloody big as the next blokes.

Anyway I,ve had my five minutes on my soap box, and I'm enjoying my free, (now there's a fatalistic word, as in "obligation free measure quote", if you see the person who coined that term Greg, shoot the bastard for me will you!), and with the money and copy of 'Tin Men', and 'Glengarry Glen Ross' that I give you we can maybe catch up for a beer down in Black Rock, (great name for a suburb, ordinary local footy team though),Karma, Greg, as Earl says is a mysterious and wonderous thing, kind of like the sense and feeling of deja vu, RACISM, is the submit term at the bottom of little diatribe, and thats sometimes what Hilda, (as in Rumpoles wife, as in "she who must be obeyed") says my proposed book is all about. But it's not, it's just what happens most nights at 6.59 pm when Today Tonight, and, A Current Affair, have educated the prolateriat about us dodgy used car vacumn washing machine carpet and blind salesmen are, but then at least I've got their 16 digit credit card number, and it's not a bloody bad substitute for not having their respect for what I and you do for a living, makes the two 'travellers' go down easier. .

Cheers Ian 0423 285 510

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