Keep Control in a Sales Meeting

Control - how best do you keep control and urgency until agreement is reached?

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Aug 06, 2019

by: Greg

I'm not sure you ever really have control of what goes on in a sales meeting.

The idea of a sales meeting is to assess whether what you have to offer brings value to the person you are talking with.

So, the first part of this process is to find out what's important to them.

And there's a smart way of doing this. So that you can simultaneously uncover some of the ways this person thinks.
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Once you have confirmed you can offer them some value it's up to you to get this value into the head of the prospect. And this is where you should exert some sort of control.

You can control your language and used artfully you can control what thoughts enter the prospect's head as long as you frame your words in ways that align with how they process information and make decisions.

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